What is PoP?

Pelvic organ Prolapse (PoP)is a serious problem affecting mostly rural, illiterate and poor women in Nepal.

United Nation’s Population Fund (UNPF) estimates that Nepal may have as many as 600,000 women affected by PoP. These women never seek medical treatment as they fear being stigmatised by their communities, and many also think the treatment might be costly.

This, however, is not the case as women who have a 1st degree prolapse only need a simple exercise to cure the problem; while a ring pessary, that is distributed for free, needs to be inserted for women with a 2nd degree problem. For women with a 3rd degree problem, free surgery is available in hospital.

Because of these misconceptions and lack of awareness regarding how the problem arises and can be treated, there is clear need for a PoP awareness program in rural and deprived regions of Nepal, where the local communities are illiterate and poor.

Read the detailed program plan HERE

Your donation went towards assisting up to 25,000 women in rural Nepal, their families and their community.

There is an urgent need to:

  • Erase the social sigma related to PoP, and encourage more women to actively participate in its prevention as well as to seek treatment for advanced cases;
  • Increase the dissemination of information related to how PoP can be prevented, and the different levels of treatments available for stages of PoP;
  • Ensure compete empowerment and capacity building of women’s groups to address PoP issues in their locality.
  • Ensure that local Government health posts are proactive in addressing PoP issues in their jurisdiction.


To ensure funding in the Dhanusha District (approx.AU$17,000)

  • 10 Village Development Committees
  • Target 25,000 women of which 10,000 may need assistance


Formal agreements wherein the Community Family Welfare Association (CFWA) and Shechen Clinic and Hospice shall implement (CFWA) and supervise and monitor and report (SC&H) to HH&H.
View the agreement documents HERE.


  • SC&H pioneered to conclusion the PoP curriculum which the Government adopted as the PoP national curriculum
  • SC&H were responsible for pioneering and following through on the advocacy to list PoP as a priority health issue
  • SC&H advocacy brought about the Government’s decision to distribute silicon peccaries free through their health posts
  • SC&H also collectively advocated for a free surgical facility for the needy
  • The format of the current PoP awareness and intervention drive remains with SC&H. While many find it difficult to enter arenas where the outcomes are deemed to be rather intangible, we are absolutely certain that this is the crucial vacuum that needs to be filled if PoP is to be ultimately eradicated.