Himalayan Health & Hearing Remote Ear Camp LadakhLadakh – India

July 2016

Janakpur Dhanusha, Nepal   Nov/Dec 2016



 Ladakh 2016

Total hearing device fittings -186

Janakpur –Dhanusha

Total hearing device fittings to end November 2016 – 114 (and we have 4 more camps in December!)

The world is undergoing rapid and radical change and we are trying to develop and practice an effective hearing related service in previously un-serviced areas in the Himalayan regions. We need to find nurturing environments where locals are willing to be trained to provide the services in a safe continuous and sustainable fashion.

And in the words of Kenny Rogers’ song, ”know when to hold them, know when to fold them, no when to walk away, know when to run!”

We have decided not to issue prescription drugs after the end of this year. This is consistent with a NAHOH decision to follow suit. It removes the potential for error in a now highly scrutinised sector. It also taps the ball back into the court of the local associations to lobby for permanent services to be established or enhanced!


Himalayan Health & Hearing Remote Ear Camp LadakhThis is a good direction for Keshab and NAHOH to proceed, and we have already begun with several training camps held at NAHOH in Kirtipur, conducted by our Australian and German partners. We train members of local associations where service “hubs” are formed.  They will essentially become training centres for their ‘spokes’ and so it can organically grow. We need to formalise our training and protocols, and Sue is well advanced on this path.


Himalayan Health & Hearing Remote Ear Camp LadakhWe have previously been holding camps at the Ngari Institute, a home for children from remote regions to be housed and raised in a culturally appropriate manner, with access to better education opportunities. Ngari Institute has greatly benefitted over 4 years from hosting the annual hearing care event, with increase in community profile, but they are unwilling to provide continuous hearing related services to the public, “as it is not their core business”.

The Ladakh Nuns Association, however, has an established Tibetan Medicine Clinic and have a representative at each of our 4 camps, receiving training each time.

So we are moving! We have employed a local lady who came as a volunteer to our camps, is a university graduate, and quickly mastered the skill training offered. Angmo will ‘manage’ the Ladakh changeover and work with the nuns in the new clinic. She will also be local back up for lew’s hearing aid fitting station. Dorjee and Bhalu (who have both received extensive training in Ladakh and Nepal) will continue to be incorporated in future programs, and we will hold at least one more ‘token- exhibition’ camp at Ngari, and refer visitors to our new site.

Himalayan Health & Hearing Remote Ear Camp LadakhWe welcome the Nuns and Angmo to our program. Ani Yanchen – a recently graduated Tibetan Medicine Doctor and Angmo successfully completed training in the November Janakpur camps. So we await the results of their first ‘solo’ clinic in the near future.

We have also purchased a small car to enable mobility of their services. An external clinic room will be rented until a permanent clinic can be built next to the Tibetan Medicine Clinic, in about 12 months’ time, maybe!


Janakpur tells most of its own story in pictures

Three camps in 2016, April, November and December. Kamala attended the April 2016 Lumbini camp for additional training in hearing loss assessment. Significantly, the November and we trust the December camp provided an environment for the excellent training of both local (Janakpur) and our Ladakh staff, giving both regions a much higher level of independence in service delivery. A health worker from Saptari (150 klms) from Janakpur- our current hub will attend the December camp with the view to establishing a new ‘spoke’ to her home, if all conditions are met. We have also purchased a scooter for the Community Family welfare association staff to make day trips to schools with their primary ear care education and screening program. “Musicians 4 Hearing” in Australia have also supported the purchase of land adjacent to their new building construction site, with the view to establishing a permanent hearing care HUB on the premises. Completion time- end of next year…

Our gratitude to all our supporters…that’s how it can happen!

Himalayan Health & Hearing Remote Ear Camp LadakhCHEERS

lew, secretary